Rockstar Florist Competition 2023

Registrations Closed!

For any enquiries please contact us below.


We are excited to welcome back our RockStar Florist Competition for 2023! We are relaunching in Queensland this year and look forward to a national competition in 2024.

Each contestant is invited to a demo night at Tesselaar Flowers with guest presenter John Emmanuel Floral Events where the winner and finalists will be announced!

Prizes to be won

Our Winner will win a return trip to Western Australia that includes:
3 nights accommodation
Visits to 2 wildflower farms & Kings Park & Botanical Gardens
Site visit to Tesselaar Flowers & Wafex in Perth

Our Top 5 will win a RockStar package each that includes:
1 box of each of the compulsory components at over $950.00 value
$200.00 voucher to spend in the Tesselaar Brisbane Flower Market
5 boxes of Large Head Roseamor Preserve Roses


Open to all Florists residing in Queensland, Australia you will required to quote your Business/Employers or Training Facility name at the time of registration.

Entries close 1700 EST on Monday 10th July
Flower collection 0500-1200 on Monday 17th July
Design submissions close 1700 EST on Friday 28th July

Demo & Announcement of Winner & Top 5 – Thursday 3rd
Aug 2023 at 5:00 PM
To be held at Tesselaar Flowers Brisbane
1/54 Turbo Dr, Coorparoo QLD 4151

Cost of entry – $80.00 per one entry – payment to be made at collection/dispatch
1 design per entry
Entries are to be submitted online as a photo


Design is florists choice, however the compulsory components must be used in the design.

You will be supplied within your entry fee these compulsory components:
Waxflower Helix White
Banksia Hookeriana
Hakea Peach
Anahaw Leaves